Our Professional Team

The development of a challenged child depends upon right from the qualified professionals to the custodian of the children. Only with the collective effort, it is possible.

To have such a dedicated, hardworking and sincere teaching staff and professionals is indeed a privilage.They are God's gifts.

Our heart-felt thanks are to the devoted staff responsible for every progress we make.

Our ConsultantOur Fulltime Consultants
Dept. of Phychiatry

Dr. V.George Reddy
President :
Indian Psychiatric Society, T.S ( 2022 - 23 )
Indian Association of Private Psychiatry, T.S ( 2020-22 )
Hyderabad Psychiatric Society ( 2017 - 2018 )

Founder General Secretary :
Indian Psychiatric Society, Telangana State

Co-Convener :
Kakatiya Medical College, Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

Dept. of Occupational & Sensory Integration Therapies

Mr. Karbolin parida
MOT Neuro
S.V.NIRTAR, Odisha

Dept. of Speech Therapy
MERF Institute of Speech & Hearing Pvt. Ltd.

Speech trainer
Ms. R. Jayasri (MBA)

Dept of Physio Therapy & Early Intervention

Dept of Special education

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