Lahari is a mild mentally retarted child.Her I.Q. is 68.Her parents were not aware of her disability through any source. When she was 6 1/2 years old, she had seizers, her parents took her to NIMHANS, Banglore for treatment.
The doctors diagonised her as a mild mentally-retarted child. They further told them that as she was almost 7 years old she could learn only one skill i.e. toileting. Her chances of learning other skills essential to lead her life were scarce. Speech therapy was the only skill to be tried. Even this was also difficult at that age.
But her parents were not discouraged. They did not waste even a day. At once, her mother got trained, at Hyderabad a course named "Parent + Teacher" training. Her parents became aware there were many parents who were gifted with such children and they didn't have any understanding of the disease and therapies to remedy the disability were unable to join their children in regular school. Nor did they in "Special Schools'. Lahari's parents came to know this. If they learnt that Lahari needed those threapies below 3 years of old they would not have waited and wasted the precious time. They would have got her all those therapies which should have helped her to be at the Boarder line stage.
Though they can't lessen their anguish entierly, they have understood that the severity can be subduced.
For this the services of Qualified therapists are required.Urged by this with a Great person's support they came forward to start Lahari rehabilitation centre whera such therapies are available.
Their earnest request to parents is to let their children have the therapies if they are a must. It will help their children to be independent and confident.
Now, Lahari is able to speak well. She can tell stories and sing songs. She can question. She has a clear understanding of simple multiplication upto 6th table in special education. She knows the time and money concept. Aware of shopping skills. She herself can attend her daily activities. She can talk over telephone. Not only that. She can do some computer applications.
She is learning swimming. She has got 5 gold medals and I silver medal in the art competition conducted for special children.
OUR APPEAL TO PARENTS : Don't get detered. Try every source. Ignore the limitations.
Had they not tried for every available source (therapy) to shape herself their Lahari, she could have learnt nothing. As the Professionals said, providing training is very important.
Let us erase the limitations and surmount the handicaps. Lahari is a living example of what best can be done for these children. Keep their experience in mind think and spring into action.
LAHARI REHABILITATION CENTRE and LAHARI SPECIAL SCHOOL, being run now under the aegis of LAHARI TRUST, was started on June 21, 2006 in the name of LAHARITEJA REHABILITATION CLINIC. Later on, it was registered as 'LAHARI TRUST' on May 18, 2010 Its present Telephone Number is 2432340 (code 0866).
The aims and objectives of LAHARI TRUST
- To establish organize run and conduct rehabilitation cenre for extending services in the field of rehabilitation with multidisiplinary team.
- To provide free medical & rehabilitation services to the beneficiaries.
- To create awareness on special needs of children among the various groups of society.
- To provide environment of beneficences for children opportunities for the children with special needs.
- To provide Vocational training and guidence, sheltered employment opportunties for the children with special needs.
- To provide an active role in awarenes orientation programes.
- To organize and promote activities specially fo the benefits of students with disabilities.
- To provide Voluntary & non-profitable services.
- Free rehabilitation services for children with cerebral palsy below 3 years from BPL (Below Poverty Line).
- To shelter employment opportunities for the disabled.
- Early intervention and timely referral to reduce the severity.
- Highly Qualified and skilled Psychiatrist, Clinical Psychologist, Special Educators, Speech therapists, Occupational therapists, Physio therapists and Teachers.
- Well-equipped departments.
- Individual attention and innovative method of therapy/teaching.
- Individualized Education Programme / Regular maintenance of progress Records
- To empower the parents with effective training method for their ward.
- Well -stacked library.
- Provision for games.
- NIOS support for Slow Learners & Hearing disabled children.
- Computer lab.
- Playschool for children the age group of 3-6 years.
- Psychiatric Intervention
- Psychological intervention
- Behaviour therapy
- Perceptual stimulation
- Cognitive stimulation
- Speech therapy
- Physical training
- Early intervention therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Sensory integration
- Stimulation on lifeskills and personality grooming
The rehabilitation at our clinics focuses on the multidisciplinary approach. That is we have an experienced team with Speech Language Pathologists, Clinicalpsychologist, Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists and special educators and resource persons to deal with children of various disabilities.